Events for GSPG
Saturday 17 March 2.30 pm
Narre Warren North Organic Gardening Club
Narre Warren North Uniting Church, cnr
Main St and Tom Jones Crt, Narre Warren North
Contact Abbie at
Sunday April 1
Visit to Melliodora
16 14th street Hepburn
contact Jo at
Wednesday April 11
7.30 pm
GSPG meeting
Buchanan Rd Berwick
Saturday April 14
10 am to 4.30 pm
Visit to Attila Kapitany's garden
Open Garden Scheme
1 The Lough Crt, Narre Warren North
invitation to meet up there if you like
Saturday April 21
2.30 pm
Narre Warren North Organic Gardening Club
Narre Warren North Uniting Church, cnr
Main St and Tom Jones Crt, Narre Warren North
Wednesday May 9
7.30 pm
GSPG meeting
Saturday May 5
2.00 pm
Workshop on Vegie Growing in Shady
Gardens and tour of Amy’s garden
The Promenade Narre Warren South
Sunday May 6
Saturday May 19
National Permaculture Day
Saturday May 19
2.30 pm
Narre Warren North Organic Gardening Club
Narre Warren North Uniting Church, cnr
Main St and Tom Jones Crt, Narre Warren North
Wednesday June 13
7.30 pm
GSPG meeting
Saturday June 16
2.30 pm
Narre Warren North Organic Gardening Club
Narre Warren North Uniting Church, cnr
Main St and Tom Jones Crt, Narre Warren North
Minutes of the meeting of the Greater South Eastern Permaculture Group
held at the home of Susan Hutson on Wednesday 8th
February 2012
Present: Susan Hutson, Marg Vincent, Alison Chatfield,
Bob McLeay, Jo McLeay, Megan Vella
Apologies: Thelma Wakelam, Amy Roberts, Cele Leach,
Clare Westhorpe
1. Appointment of Office Bearers: By general
agreement it was decided that Jo would be convenor and Megan would be treasurer
for 12 months when it is expected that an election will be held. It is expected
that we will meet monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the
home of anyone in the group who would like to volunteer to host a meeting (at
least until we are too big for this).
2. Roster for the Berwick Springs People in the Park event on Sunday,
which goes from 10 am to 1 pm. (Set up time 8.30 am): Amy is available in the
afternoon, Megan will fill in whenever needed, Jo will help set up, Alison is
happy to help out around lunchtime.
8.30 – 10.30: Jo
and Megan
10.30 – 12.00: Alison
12.00 – 1.00: Amy
(Please let me know if you need to change this.)
3. Banner for the stall at Berwick Springs and future events: Marg
will get the letters for the banner that spell out Greater South Eastern
Permaculture Group (she will have her Grade 1 students create them) and bring a
sheet that can be used as the background.
Anyone who can will meet at Megan’s place 13 Mack Rd, Narre Warren South
at 9 am on Saturday to help put the banner together. Marg will also bring hot
glue gun.
4. Flyer for the group: Megan volunteered to put a flyer together
and Abbie has offered to let these be printed at the council office. Jo will
send Megan some information to put on the flyer. It is expected that they will be photocopied on Friday.
5. Things to bring to put on the stall on Sunday: Excess harvest from
the garden to swap, copies of PIE, Permaculture poster (Megan will see if she
can get this enlarged), PcM flyers, Permaculture Calendar, herbs, a hay or
straw bale if possible.
6. Film night on Tuesday 14th Feb: It was suggested that
we get a group together to see Ecovisionaries with http:// 2012/01/25/tue-14th-feb-eco- visionaries-with-undergrowth- org/
at 7 pm at the State Library of Victoria. Some of the group will go. Pleased
contact Jo on 0402 087 017 if you wish to purchase tickets and go as part of
the group. $17 per ticket.
7. David Holmgren talk at the Wheeler Centre on 16th
Feb: This is at 12.45 and is free. Susan and Megan are planning to catch the
train so please contact either of them if you wish to go together. Jo and Bob
will meet them in the city.
8. Sustainable Living Festival: 17, 18, 19th
at Fed Sq. Permaculture Melbourne (PcM) will have a stall there and our flyers
will be there so pop in to say hello if you get the chance.
9. Narre Warren North Organic Gardening Club: On Saturday afternoon
from 2.00 pm till 4.00 pm. Join us for a bit of weeding, a bit of a chat, some
afternoon tea and a bit of a permaculture workshop by Susan. At the Narre
Warren North Uniting Church, Cnr Tom
Jones Crt and Main St, Narre Warren North. Bring Please bring a plate to share, as well as
your gardening implements, gloves etc and some spare seeds or seedlings.
10. Endeavour Hills Community Market: It would be good to
get a stall there if we can. It is on the 3rd Saturday of the month
(18th Feb). It might be good for a few of the group to go and suss
it out this month if the inclination is there. Jo has emailed to enquire about
a stall and will ring them on Friday if there is still no response. This can be
planned in more detail next meeting.
11. The Berwick Show on 25, 26th Feb: We will get a roster
up to be at this stall. Megan will be there on Sunday afternoon, Jo will be
there on Sunday morning. Please contact Jo to offer to be there as well if you
12. Compost Mates and coffee grounds: Jo flagged a future
discussion about how our group and local cafés can enter into a mutually
beneficial relationship by getting compost materials that the café owner will
not then put into landfill. If you know any café owners that could be a good
way to start.
13. AOB:
Why join the group? This was discussed and it was
decided that we joined to learn more about Permaculture. Various ways to do
this were discussed and it was thought Susan may give workshops (others are
beginning their PDC this year as well). It was proposed that we go as a group
to visit Melliodora (David Holmgren’s place) on one of the open days.
Applying for Grants: Megan has some information about
this and will bring it to the next meeting for discussion and action.
Imagining a Casey Food Hub: This is a project that
Serenity Hill is involved with and she sent us a document on this that is
attached to this email. Serenity is willing to come to one of our meeting to
talk with us about it to see how we can work together.
14. Next Meeting: This will be in Narre Warren South on Wednesday 14th March at 7.30 pm. All welcome.

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